NeuroMeditation: Singing Bowls of Shangri-La (2 Hours)

I ran this 1 Hours Singing Bowl Meditation back to back twice for a 2 Hour Meditation.

The sound waves of Tibetan bowls are at 432 hz, some neuroscientists speculate thoughts are electromagnetic signals firing between synapses in the brain also at 432 hz, so the sound interferes with the brain's thought patterns making it easier to meditate and allow the mind to be still and free of thoughts.

During extended Sound Bath meditations I tend to focus on the breath initially whilst the sound takes away the mind, i also focus on the weight of the body on the bed, the sense of my body in the room, the sense of my body being in the city, the country, the earth, the universe in that order.

After about 10-15 minutes of this meditation, I noticed I was entering into a light lucid dreaming state, about 30 minutes I noticed I was deep into a subconscious-only state.

About 45 minutes in I noticed anticipatory fears as to whether I would be able to experience 3rd eye visuals or connect to the light from the 3rd eye and transcend up into an astral projection experience, i haven't had that experience in a few months, and recalled how intensely pleasurable it can be, I didn't achieve that specifically today but can experience that with practice in guided astral projection or yoga nidra meditations. 

In the second hour, I noticed a complete merging of consciousness with all my surroundings and was unable to distinguish the boundaries of myself and anything around me. I experienced occasional emergence of areas of breaks in the outer sphere of the edges of the totality of the conscious field which I experience as unexplained portals to possible other forms of consciousness or crinkles in the constructs of consciousness - total woo woo but in a lucid dreaming state, we are free to make whatever meaning we like of the experience. 

About 90 mins I noticed my visual field naturally became more interesting and a smoke-like forest visual scene emerged, in which a crescent shaped white light started to reveal (indicating pineal gland activation) , i focused attention on exploring this visual field and i spent the time taking my focus and attention back and forth between the breath and my experiences in journeying through these landscapes using the light to illuminate the journey. 

With practice and focus in the past I have been able to attach my consciousness to the white light in the visual field coming from the pineal gland and that travels me into universal consciousness to have full astral projection experiences merging my personal consciousness with the collective consciousness and all other known and unknown consciousness types. There is some evidence Neurochemically what's happening the pineal glad is producing trace amounts of dimethyltryptamine when it is activated in this way allowing the user to have these experiences whist in the lucid dreaming state. 

I find in longer meditations whilst I am in these deep subconscious states, shadow parts of my personality that have big beliefs tend to interrupt, and I try and engage in IFS to get to know these parts better and unburden them. In this meditation "I did the wrong thing" kept emerging as a generalized feeling without any specific memory tied to it, I tried to get to know the part, asking it "what do you want me to know", "what would you rather be doing", "can you see me" and the part felt somewhat unburdened. Ill take this surfaced part of my personality for work likely in EMDR.

I do find if I do 1 hour of sound bowls per day for 30 days minimum, the visual experience becomes significantly more accessible within the first 10 minutes or so and I can access the astral projection elements reliably within 30 mins. 


Here is the Muse Data.

Sadly the data on the first hour meditation crashed out on the Muse due to a bluetooth pairing issue.

Second Hour


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