NeuroMeditation: IFS The Path Meditation - Dick Schwartz. Featuring Ted's Garden (30 Mins)

This lunchtime i ran a 30 minute guided open heart IFS meditation to The Path, one of the more fundamental IFS (Internal Family Systems) meditations for me, lead by the founder of IFS, Dick Schwartz.

I started the meditation with a empty mind, it was difficult to find any any thought at all to try and find the start of the path.

IFS is different to Mindful Meditation, where the goal is to detach from all thoughts and feelings. In IFS we see that each thought and feeling belong to a part of the system and has a need that must be understood and met and unburdended - there are no bad parts. 

I found the start of my path, which is a path i am familiar with in my childhood suburb of Greenwich, and then i listened for parts of my system that would object to 40 year old Nick taking a walk without them.

Part of me was unsure, part was worried, part wanted to figure it out - all likely younger parts of me. These are all very familiar feelings belonging to parts of me that i have come to know after some IFS practice.

I asked other parts of my system that i know to join these parts to comfort them, 25 year old nick who travels internationally showed up and hung out in a circle with these parts, and i went on the path walk alone and in peace with a sense of self energy and calm.

Other parts showed up as thoughts as I walked along the path, and I asked them to go back to the base of the path to join the others, further deepening the calm and self energy 


Sadly my Mind Monitor App Crashed so i only have a Post Mediatation Screenshot of my EEG Data right now writing this post, not data for the whole session.



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